Hope for Women with Gynecologic Cancers

Women with ovarian and other gynecologic cancers may not recognize the symptoms until the cancer advances, according to B. Hannah Ortiz, MD, a gynecologic oncologist and Director of Mather’s Department of Gynecology. "Many patients can wait almost a year of not feeling quite right before they are diagnosed with ovarian cancer," said Ortiz. Board certified…

Auxiliary Celebrates 65 Years of Service to Mather and Community

Specialists in Caring Summary: Volunteer group has raised more than $5.7 million for Hospital to fund building projects and new equipment Mather Hospital’s Auxiliary marked its 65th anniversary on May 5, 2014 with a proclamation from Brookhaven Town Supervisor Edward P. Romaine, who declared it "Mather Hospital Auxiliary Day" in the town. Since its founding,…

Getting Back in the Game After Spinal Surgery

Peter Schultz of Calverton never wanted to slow down, but debilitating back pain was a game changer for this formerAir Force linguist, two-time NYC marathon runner, church deacon, avid golfer and local volunteer. "Six years ago I was up in Vermont for a week and went snowshoeing. We did a rather difficult trail and when…

Arthritis Takes Many Forms, Includes More than 100 Different Diseases

By Sanjay Godhwani, MD If you suffer from joint inflammation and the resulting pain, swelling, redness, warmth and stiffness, you may be among the more than 53 million people affected by arthritis. Arthritis can occur at any age and includes more than 100 different diseases. Symptoms can develop suddenly or over time. If you experience…

Mather Uses Advanced Imaging to Detect Coronary Artery Disease

First LI Community Hospital to Offer Cardiac CTA When a patient arrives at Mather Hospital’s Emergency Department with symptoms such as palpitations, labored breathing, tightness or pain in the chest or abdomen, excessive fatigue or dizziness, time is crucial in determining whether the cause is a heart attack. If tests reveal that there is no…

Mather Offers Free Lung Cancer Screenings

Mather Hospital is now offering free lung cancer screenings for certain high risk smokers and former smokers to diagnose lung cancer in its earliest most treatable stages. An influential panel of medical experts recently recommended that some former and current heavy smokers should be screened annually for lung cancer, which could prevent as many as…

Studies Show Bariatric Surgery Effectively Treats Type 2 Diabetes

Luis Hernandez, 52 of Lake Grove knows firsthand how bariatric surgery can lead to more than just weight loss. He was a diabetic and weighed just under 300 pounds with a body mass index (BMI) of 41.  A person with a BMI greater than 40 is considered to be morbidly obese. He also suffered from…

Mather is Only NYS Hospital to Receive 8 Leapfrog A’s

Mather Hospital has been recognized for its patient safety record with The Leapfrog Group’s top "A" Hospital Safety Score for the eighth consecutive ratings period – the only New York State hospital to achieve that distinction. Mather is one of only 133 hospitals out of more than 2,500 ranked nationwide to have achieved an "A"…

Step Up to a Life Without Joint Pain

Craig Limoncelli of Smithtown had endured a painful right hip for five years. It got so bad that walking up his steep, 130-foot long driveway with the day’s mail became a painful experience. A technician for Mercedes Benz, Limoncelli, 53, decided he couldn’t put off hip surgery any longer when he had difficulty lifting objects…