What you need to know about hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or HBOT, is a treatment that involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized environment (a hyperbaric chamber).  The body’s tissues need a suitable supply of oxygen to function properly, even more so when the tissue is damaged. The goal of this treatment is to fill the bloodstream with enough oxygen to help…

Skipping meals

Skipping meals is very common for anyone with a busy schedule (a.k.a all of us!) Many people believe that the less you eat throughout the day, the better. The problem is you may be slowing down your metabolism and leading yourself down a path that can lead to disordered eating habits. There are many reasons why not fueling your body throughout the day can lead to weight gain and even certain diseases.

Mather opens redesigned main lobby with updated visitor seating and security enhancements

Mather Hospital began a new chapter in its more than 90-year history with the opening of a redesigned main lobby. The renovation was designed to create a space that impresses upon each visitor that this is an exceptional healing environment. In addition to exquisite interior design upgrades, there are security and access enhancements, expanded spacious visitor seating.

Fire Roasted Tomato and 5 Bean Soup

It’s that time of year again. The perfect time to get in the kitchen and prepare a big batch of hearty soup to chase the chills away. Soup is the perfect dish for adding more vegetables to your diet, and beans are a great way to get more plant-based protein and fiber. Soup freezers well so don’t worry about having leftovers.

A Blessing in Disguise

When Rosalind Cohen, an 84-year-old retired government worker, was in a car accident in 2013, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. She was rushed to Mather Hospital for a suspected fractured pelvis. However imaging studies revealed she had a hematoma and something else—a spot on the right lower lobe of her lung.…

Keeping your back healthy as you age

It is inevitable, we are all aging and getting older. The average American is living longer than ever before, with many of us trying to remain healthy and active well into 70’s, 80’s, and even the 90’s. One of our body parts that is very prone to ‘wear and tear’ and with the shortest ‘warranty’…

What is Okonomiyaki?

Want something fun and different to eat or looking for a flavorful, budget-friendly meatless meal? Try Okonomiyaki, a Japanese cabbage pancake.  The name is derived from the word okonomi, which means “as you like” or “to one’s liking” and yaki, which means “grilled”. The popularity of this pancake came about in Japan when food was scarce, and people had to feed their families with what little they had.

The benefits of cardiovascular exercise

You may hear your doctor tell you to “get your heart rate up.” What that means is cardiovascular exercise. The reason they tell you this is that cardiovascular exercise, or cardio as it’s often called, benefits your heart! Cardio is any exercise that raises your heart rate for an extended period and works large muscle groups. Not only will your heart reap the benefits, but the rest of your body will as well. Research suggests having a cardio routine in place can help you live a longer, healthier life.

Paint Port Pink to raise awareness about breast cancer in October

PORT JEFFERSON, NY – Paint Port Pink, Mather Hospital’s annual month-long breast cancer community awareness outreach, kicks off Sunday, October 1, 2023 with the lighting of pink lights by community partners in Port Jefferson, Port Jefferson Station, and surrounding communities. Paint Port Pink’s goal is to raise awareness about breast cancer, encourage annual mammograms, and…

Should you use a special pillow to reduce neck pain?

If you suffer with neck pain, especially after you wake up in the morning, you should consider using a special cervical or neck pillow.  Sleeping with a cervical pillow can improve your neck posture, thus supporting tight muscles in your neck and shoulders. It also reduces the mechanical stress on the neck joints by keeping…