Intuitive Movement

By Melissa Buscetta, RD, CDN Intuitive movement is the practice of connecting with your body and its internal cues and using that awareness to determine what type of movement, how long, and the intensity you’d like to engage in. It also incorporates the concept of mindfulness by being present in whatever movement you choose to…

Risks of Inactivity

By Erin McKenna, RDN, CDN People are becoming more sedentary due to constantly being on the phone, watching TV, or playing video games. Many people also have desk jobs, where they may be sitting most of the day. Being inactive can have a negative impact on our health in the following ways:

A Strong Core to Prevent Back Pain

Strong core muscles are important in supporting and stabilizing the spine. When we think of our core, we often think of our abdominals, or six-pack region. While the abdominals are a significant part of the core strength, there are other muscles that are important as well. 

Burning More than Fat in your Yoga Pants

Yoga pants and fitness apparel have become multi-functional staples in almost everyone’s wardrobe. The market for stylish and comfortable athleisure attire has exploded over the past few years and the versatility of this clothing has allowed it to become common dress for many activities including chores around the house, running to the store, as pajamas,…