Knee Replacement - Mather Hospital Orthopedics

Craig, Smithtown – Hip Replacement

Craig Limoncelli of Smithtown had endured a painful right hip for five years. It got so bad that walking up his steep, 130-foot long driveway with the day’s mail became a painful experience. A technician for Mercedes Benz, Craig, 53, decided he couldn’t put off hip surgery any longer when he had difficulty lifting objects…

Hip Replacement - Mather Hospital Orthopedics

Jack, Mount Sinai – Hip Repacement

Hip Replacement Surgery Puts Duffer Back on the Green When Jack Argila of Mount Sinai decided that the pain in his hip was constant and too severe to continue to treat with pain medication, he resigned himself to having total hip replacement surgery. It wasn’t an easy decision and he didn’t make it without great…

Ankle Replacement - Mather Hospital Orthopedics

Lorraine, Sag Harbor – Ankle Replacement

Lorraine Dusky was a runner for more than 30 years with ribbons and medals from 5k races. But her recent “celebrity” status came as a result of an ankle injury and condition that ended her racing days. On Aug. 8, she became the first patient to have a total ankle replacement at Mather Hospital. It…

Navio Total Knee Replacement

Laurie, Farmingdale – Navio™ Total Knee Replacement

Laurie Mullens didn’t so much care that on July 20, 2016 she was about to have the world’s first total knee replacement using the Navio™ robotic-assisted surgical system. She just wanted the pain to stop. Laurie, 63, of Farmingdale, who had enduring “excruciating pain” for 10 years in both her knees due to arthritis, had…

Frank, Miller Place

Retired police officer Frank Gennari was searching hunting spots in Pennsylvania last fall when he tripped over a log and severely injured his leg. Never one to tread lightly, Frank got up with every intention of continuing with his trip.

Jane, Huntington Station

Jane Alworth-Menta has weathered many storms, both literally and figuratively. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007 and underwent a mastectomy. Last October, five years after she lost her breast to cancer, Jane traveled to New Orleans for reconstructive surgery. The surgery went well.

Mather Hospital Medical Weight Management Program

Roseann Santore, lost 22 pounds

“The weekly meetings were constructed to provide educational handouts and group discussions, which helped to build my confidence and stay committed in reaching my weight loss goals. The program showed me how to cook and shop healthier and how to make better choices when I went out to eat with my family or on vacation.”

Mather Hospital Medical Weight Management Program

Greg Pouletsos, lost 60 pounds

“The difference between this program and diet programs is that this one teaches the skills of eating healthy, shopping healthy, and living healthy. It should be thought of as a lifestyle change instead of a diet. Since I’ve started, I’m down about 60 pounds, off two diabetes medications and my bloodwork has not looked this…

Text Neck, Back & Neck Pain Center at Mather Hospital

A High-Tech Pain in the Neck: “Text Neck”

We live in a world where we are constantly connected. We always have our phones in our hands and we can be reached at any time. But this constant connectivity can actually be a big pain in the neck and it all comes down to how you look at it… literally.  “Text neck” refers to…


Medicine is going to the Dogs… in a Good Way

Imagine you’re in the hospital and your doctor or nurse mentions that they have a pet therapy program and asks if you’d be interested in having a dog visit you. You say yes and soon thereafter a dog and its handler arrive. You interact with and pet the dog. After they’ve gone, you notice you…