
Answers to your burning sunscreen questions

Choosing a sunscreen isn’t as easy as it used to be. Over the last few years there has been a lot of debate and growing concern over how effective they are, what kinds of chemicals they might contain and how those chemicals affect your skin and overall health. There are so many options that the…

Why we self-sabotage

By Barbara Broggelwirth RDN, CDN Sabotage is any action that gets in the way of our intent. It could be self-motivated or come from something external in our environment. Identifying those cues can solve half the battle in addressing self-sabotaging behaviors.

Kevin McGeachy appointed senior vice president for administration at Mather Hospital

PORT JEFFERSON, NY ― Kevin McGeachy, who has held several administrative positions at Northwell Health’s community and academic teaching hospitals, has been named senior vice president for administration at Mather Hospital. Previously, Mr. McGeachy served as senior vice president of strategic alliances for Northwell, exploring new strategic alliances, affiliations and partnerships with other local and…

donating blood

How to donate blood during a pandemic

With the spread of COVID-19 across the country, our nation’s supply of blood has become severely depleted. Many blood drives were cancelled when schools and businesses closed and the opportunity to donate while remaining socially distant remains challenging.

Making lemonade out of lemons

By Janet Domke, RN BSN We’ve all heard the saying, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”  Well, these past few months have given us a bunch of lemons. It’s up to you to decide if you’re going to make lemonade, or let the lemons go bad.

Chiropractor evaluating patient's back pain

Herniated disks & sciatica – what you should know

Spinal disks are the pads that sit between vertebrae and act as shock absorbers for the spine. When a disk herniates (sometimes referred to as a slipped disk, bulging disk or protruding disk), the soft center of the spinal disk pushes through a crack in its tough exterior casing and into the spinal canal. Some…

Researchers in a lab looking through a microscope

COVID-19 antibody testing – what do we really know?

While we’ve been dealing with COVID-19 for most of this year, there are still a lot of questions when it comes to COVID-19 antibody testing. If you were recently ill but didn’t get tested for COVID-19, you may be wondering if you actually had the virus or not. Others who didn’t get sick or have…

Fiber up for mental health

By Danielle Johnson, RDN, CDN The World Health Organization has stated its concern over the long-term impact on mental health of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, and the need to provide resources to help all of us heal. Food can be a fun addition to help improve mental health.

Healthcare Hallelujah

Thank you to our heroes who carried us through the most tumultuous time in the history of Mather Hospital. The performance “Healthcare Hallelujah” is a tribute dedicated to our hard working staff.


Sunglasses – more than a fashion statement

When we think of sun-related damage, we often think about our skin, but the sun’s ultraviolet rays also pose a threat to our eye health. As the summer heats up and the sun is in the sky longer, remember that also comes with increased exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. If you’re looking to buy a…