Boy on Parents Shoulders

Calming fears of the coronavirus

Michael Dowling shares, hysteria and panic won’t make you feel safer. Instead, take common-sense approaches to reduce your risk of exposure.

Increasing physical activity with your kids

By Erin Caraher RDN, CDN Physical activity is important for people of all ages, but especially for children. It promotes growth and development, strong bones and muscles, endurance and helps them maintain a healthy weight. Research has also shown that moderate to vigorous activity helps boost children’s critical thinking skills, grade point averages and standardized…

Support the 26th annual Families Walk for Hope

The 26th annual Families Walk for Hope has been postponed. A future date will be announced as soon as the health of our region becomes more stable and we know we can safely be together.

Positive body image for self-acceptance

By Danielle Johnson RDN, CDN Self-acceptance is a decision to be made by you. If you find that your body image is negatively affecting your health, or you’re just simply tired of fighting with yourself and your body, self-acceptance may be an excellent tool for you to explore.

CyberKnife Patient Successful Prostate Cancer Treatment

Richie, Lake Grove | Prostate Cancer Treatment

Richie Cheatham was researching successful prostate cancer treatment options.  He wanted his prostate cancer treatments the way he likes his cars – fast and efficient. When this 74-year-old street rod enthusiast was diagnosed with the disease, he opted for Precision CyberKnife of New York. He had just five, 45-minute radiation treatments as opposed to 28…

exercise modifications for back pain

Do this, not that – exercise modifications for avoiding back pain

It’s no secret that exercise is important for avoiding back pain. Being physically active helps strengthen your muscles which supports your spine as well as other important structures in the body. It’s also important to note that if you are already suffering from back pain, some exercise and light movement is beneficially to your recovery.…