What is degenerative disc disease?

Is your back killing you? You’re not alone. More than 85 percent of Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lives. In fact, it’s one of the most common reasons why people visit their doctor and the leading cause of global disability.

Chicken with peppers and onions

From the Bariatric Nutrition Team This meal is a must-have for a hectic work week. This dish is as colorful as it is flavorful. With just a few simple ingredients you will have a delicious, healthy meal on the table in no time. (4 servings) Ingredients: 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 3 bell peppers, sliced…

The importance of exercise and activity on children’s brains

By Daphne Baldwin Kornrich, MS, RDN, CDN, CSOWM According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention obesity in children in the United States has tripled since the 1970s. Approximately 20 percent of children between ages of 6-19 are obese and less than 25 percent of children are getting the recommended 60 minutes per day…

Micros to build and maintain muscle

By Danielle Johnson RDN, CDN, CPT, RYT When it comes to building and/or maintaining muscle mass, micronutrients are just as important as macronutrients! What are micronutrients? They are vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial plant chemicals (polyphenols, flavonoids, etc.). Before jumping to the question of “what should I be supplementing?”, focus on a food first approach.…

Life beyond weight loss surgery

“The gastric sleeve surgery changed my life in so many ways. I’m a different person.” Read more about Cindy’s weight loss journey.

Mather Hospital certified as an Advanced Primary Stroke Center

PORT JEFFERSON, NY – Mather Hospital has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® and the American Heart/American Stroke Association’s Heart-Check Mark for Advanced Primary Stroke Care Center certification. Mather Hospital has been a Stroke Center since 2005. The new certification, approved by New York State, follows a recent survey in which The Joint…

The benefits of playtime for adults

By Barbara Broggelwirth MS, RDN, CDN When I was going through radiation treatment for breast cancer, my best friend called me every day and we would play a virtual game of 100,000 Pyramid. It may sound silly, but it gave me the opportunity to transport myself out of my otherwise grim situation to a happy…