Mather Hospital’s Choosing Wisely Committee honored for work on avoiding unnecessary tests and procedures

PORT JEFFERSON, NY – Mather Hospital’s Choosing Wisely Committee, was honored by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) as an ASCP 2021 Choosing Wisely Champion for its successful efforts to drive effective test utilization and reduce waste in health care. Established in 2016, the Choosing Wisely Committee reviews evidence-based guidelines to stimulate discussion about…

Exercise and hormones

By Daphne Baldwin Kornrich, MS, RDN, CSOWM, CDN Most of us are aware of the important health benefits of exercise and physical activity. These health benefits have been well researched and documented and include reducing risks of developing hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, obesity as well as depression and overall mental health. One of the…

Michael Dayan, MD, joins Mather Interventional Radiology staff

PORT JEFFERSON, NY – Michael Dayan, MD, has joined the Mather Hospital medical staff specializing in interventional radiology. Dr. Dayan performs a wide variety of interventional procedures including the treatment of liver cancers, deep vein thrombosis, internal hemorrhoids, enlarged prostates, uterine fibroids and spine fractures. These procedures rely on “real-time” advanced medical imaging to precisely…