Portion Distortion

By Jaclyn Mascia MS, RD, CDN Practicing portion control is essential for healthy eating and weight loss.  As food portion sizes have increased over the years, so have our weights and waistlines. Food portions have grown so large that we have difficulty remembering what a normal portion size really looks like. Therefore, many of us…


Managing Daily Stress

By Linda Folken, MS, RDN, CDN   In addition to maintaining a healthy diet and a steady exercise routine, it is also important to manage your stress. Stress management can increase your awareness of everyday stressors and allow you to be better prepared to handle them before you get overwhelmed. Try these three tips to…


Accountability and Weight Loss

By Marielle Mangano, RD, CDN In order to understand the importance of accountability in relation to weight loss, it is first important to understand its definition.  Accountability is “an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions.” Awareness is very important when it comes to accomplishing our goals. A large part of accountability is…
