Atomic Habits – successful behavior change

Atomic Habits by James Clear, goes into vivid detail about why it’s so hard to change our behaviors. The author discusses what we can do to change our bad habits into good ones for long-term behavior change. It’s important for us to take accountability for our actions, and when we are unhappy with ourselves, we must be the ones to change those actions.


Harvesting and enjoying your garden tomatoes

What is a summer garden without tomatoes? We plant a garden every year, and each year we change it up a little. But one vegetable remains a constant – the tomato. We always have two varieties growing – a cherry or grape tomato and a Roma or beefsteak tomato. Having a summer garden is a great family project from planting, watering, feeding the plants to harvesting the fruit and vegetables. Even coming up with recipes for the bountiful harvest can be fun.


Why is behavior change so hard?

Most of us have old behaviors we would like to change and new habits we would like to incorporate. So, why do we find making these changes to be such a challenge?! Typically, to change a behavior we need to break a habit we’re currently involved in AND incorporate new habits that are not always familiar or easy for us. Even simple changes take time and can be difficult to maintain.


Protect your body composition during weight loss

Are you taking weight loss medications and worrying about developing “Ozempic butt”? Here are some practical tips to protect your muscle mass and promote fat loss while taking weight loss medications (or any method of weight loss!) “Ozempic butt” refers to a phenomenon resulting from fast weight loss, potentially signifying lack of adequate protein and strength training. So, the remedy is…


Eating for our health and the health of the planet

April 22nd is Earth Day. Earth Day is an annual event held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first held on April 22, 1970 and led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. By the end of 1970 passage of the National Environmental Education Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and the Clean Air Act were passed. Two years later congress passed the Clean Water Act.
