Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment
Treatments for trigeminal neuralgia may include steroids and other medications or invasive brain surgery to lift the blood vessel from pressing on the trigeminal nerve. The risks involved with brain surgery include stroke, bruising and swelling of the brain, facial paralysis, hearing loss and paralysis of the muscles that control movement of the eyes, among other side effects. In addition, months of recovery time are required.
Precision CyberKnife offers an alternative to invasive treatments as one of the most accurate treatment modalities for trigeminal neuralgia. The Precision CyberKnife delivers high doses of radiation to the trigeminal sensory nerve root, interrupting the transmission of pain signals to the brain.
Unlike other radiation therapy treatments for trigeminal neuralgia, Precision CyberKnife does not use a rigid metal frame secured to the patient’s head with screws. Instead, patients wear a comfortable mesh face mask. In addition to its extreme precision and more comfortable treatment, Precision CyberKnife treatments are pain free, do not require anesthesia and are performed on an outpatient basis with patients able to return to normal activities immediately following treatment. Please call us at (631) 675-5399 to schedule a consultation.