Pastoral Care

A hospital stay can be a challenging time emotionally and spiritually. Our Pastoral Care program provides comfort when you need it.

Clergy, chaplains and interfaith pastoral visitors are available to visit you and to offer you and your family spiritual and emotional support with attention to your own convictions and beliefs. For Catholics, Holy Communion is available and the Anointing of the Sick is administered upon request. The Pastoral Care service will also help contact your own pastor, rabbi or other spiritual leader.

The Interfaith Chapel is open to patients and families as a quiet refuge for prayer and meditation. It is located on the main floor in the East Wing across from the Visitors’ Elevators. Patients may make arrangements to visit the Chapel through their nurse.

Contact us
(631) 473-1320

Extension 4007


The Pastoral Care office is located on the second floor of the hospital, outside the Intensive Care Unit.