Vertebral compression fractures occur when the bones in your spine collapse. Osteoporosis is the most common issue, as it results from the loss of bone density mass and strength. Our interventional radiologist can perform a kyphoplasty, a minimally invasive procedure that repairs a fractured vertebrae with the use of a special cement injected directly into the bone to stabilize the fracture, allowing it to heal. The goal of the procedure is to reduce pain from the fracture and stabilize the vertebra. Using a version of X-Ray guidance called fluoroscopy, the interventional radiologist inserts a needle into one side of the fractured vertebra. The doctor will than insert a balloon tamp, which is used to create an open cavity inside the bone. A compound called PMMA, which is a type of bone cement, is then injected into the empty cavity. This acts as an internal cast inside the fractured vertebra.