Leftover hash

From your Bariatric Nutrition Team

Instead of throwing away those leftovers from holiday meals, why not create leftover hash?  You deserve a break from cooking, so do yourself a favor and create a simple skillet meal for breakfast, brunch, lunch, or dinner.

(4 servings)


½ onion, diced – perfect if you have left over onion chopped or cooked)

1 cup potatoes, diced (can be leftover roasted potatoes, sweet potatoes, or yams)

1 to 2 cups veggies chopped/diced – consider leftover carrots, peppers, fennel, kale, spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, brussels sprouts, artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower (whatever raw or cooked veggies you like can work well)

1 cup of meat protein – turkey, ham, chicken, beef, brisket – diced or shredded

4 eggs



  1. In a large skillet heat 1 tbsp. of olive oil over medium to high heat. Add onion and cook or heat through for a minute or two.
  2. Add potatoes and cook until starting to brown (if using a fresh potato this process will take a little longer; just be sure the dice is small enough, so the cooking doesn’t take too long).
  3. Now toss in your veggies and protein. Cook until heated through.
  4. Next either move the hash to one side of the pan and gently crack in the 4 eggs on the other side and cook until the whites are cooked through, and the yolk is runny, or cook eggs in another pan; either poached, sunny side up or over easy.
  5. Serve eggs over the hash mixture for a delicious leftover hash and egg meal.