Blood donation: Fact vs Fiction  

Giving blood is a selfless gesture made by an individual to support and potentially save the lives of others. Blood cannot be artificially produced. It is up to us to help our community and those in need. Many people shy away from blood drives because of misleading information or lack of knowledge. Below, is a list of common misconceptions to help educate and inspire you to donate blood. 


Diabetic people cannot donate blood: Fiction.

People with diabetes or those who take any kind of insulin can donate if their diabetes is under control. They should consult their doctor with any questions or concerns they have about it.  


You can donate blood multiple times a year: Fact.  

People can donate whole blood every eight weeks. Donations for automated red cells can occur every 16 weeks (about three and a half months), platelet donations can occur every seven days up to twenty-four times in a year and plasma every 28 days (about four weeks).  


People on birth control cannot donate: Fiction.  

There is no restriction on blood donations for people taking an oral contraceptive.   


There is an age limit for blood donation: Fact.  

You must be at least 17 years old to donate to the general blood supply or 16 years old with parental/guardian consent if allowed by state regulations. However, there is no upper age limit for blood donation if you are well with no restrictions.   


People with tattoos cannot donate blood: Fiction. 

People with new tattoos should wait three months before donating blood. This is only if the tattoo was applied in a state that does not regulate tattoo facilities or monitor the sterilization of tools.  


There is a blood shortage: Fact.   

The New York Blood Center, NYBC, has declared a blood emergency as of June 3, 2024. There is a critically low supply level of blood.  


Blood donations help save people’s lives. Do your part and donate. Mather Hospital’s next blood drive is on Thursday, July 11, 2024, from 6:30am to 6:30pm in conference rooms A and B.  

Appointments preferred; walk-ins welcome if space permits. Click here to register.  


